In a technologically advanced world like today’s that actually dominates when it comes to literature, it is easier for a creative writer to find a profession, though the stability of it might not be very clear. There are boundless choices for a creative writer, some of which that consist of the chance to become a novelist, writing coach, screenwriter, legacy writer, and even a greeting card author. Different levels of creativity that jump from the norm are needed to become each of the listed, but one unique job that is not very commonly found within creative writers is a comic book writer. 

Being a comic book writer is different than other creative writing jobs because most comic books consist of ideas that don’t relate to the reality of humanity. For instance, the idea of superheroes and what kind of animal hybrid they are, or what powers they have take certain sparks and long spans of time to come up with. Also, when writing a comic book, there is the concept of having to think visually and communicating these visions through drawings, rather than words to leave the most part of the comic to the reader’s own interpretation towards the end, especially when there is a cliffhanger. 

One of, and if notthe world’s most famous comic book writer, Stan Lee is well-known for his cliffhangers and the way he changed comic books in general. He captured the world with his superheroes and the plots he made them undergo. His comics were influential enough to be turned into actual films that have now reached more than a majority of the top ten comic books turned into movies. Stan Lee started his career filling inkwells and erasing pencil streaks for artists and eventually worked his way up into becoming the marvelous writer he is today.

Succeeding in this certain area of writing is a struggle and some, like Mr. Lee, were struck with luck and born with a great mind of creativity. Although the future is not steady in such a field of writing, it is important to continue on with what one does if it is what they truly desire, regardless of the time it might take to reach success, and though every comic book writer might not reach the level of Stan Lee, having an idol or successor to look up to is always an optimistic way to perceive certain paths.